Brand New Features
- User Notifications (#3649)
- ConCat method for Formula Search Field Expression
- Search field links can now be sorted for the end-user (either automatic or specific by design) (#3591)
- Backup and restore functionality now part of the GUI. Backups have for a long time been performed in the background. These will now be readily available for end-users (#3817)
- Validate LogEvent method in LogAPI
- Import/Export re-activated with improved GUI and now supports relations between Services
- Tons of minor fixes like typos, alignment, word wrap, reuse the same word for the same thing among different pages. Strong emphasis on consistency, quality, look and feel (#3602, #3596, #3614, #3609, #3612, #3655, #3684, #3683, #3039, #3675, #3815)
- Alarm plugins have been restyled
- Name of Log Database is now in title of database report (#3599)
- Re-styled Repository when viewing them in Monitor Views (#3604)
- The state of Resources is now displayed when managing the list of Resources to include in Monitor View (#3685)
- Nodinite version number is now displayed within error modals which facilitates our support work (#3073)
- Download errors (typically) now has a new landing page (#3173)
- Icon for Event Direction is now displayed in Log View Restrictions and Search Fields (#3767)
- Multiple messagetypes can now be assigned to a single search field expression (this functionality was also available in the search field wizard)
- Filter on historical events in Monitor Views
- List associated Monitor Views for selected Resource
- RegEx with Capturing groups now trims the end result (3768)
- Days to keep events can now be set to 0 (infinite) and still have a value for Days to Keep Body and Context. This was not allowed in the past (#3809)
- Adding a new MessageType manually was previously hardcoded with 14 days. Now the value comes from the two system parameters (DaysToKeepMessagesEventsDefault) and (DaysToKeepMessageDataDefault) (#3835)
- URL to Web Client for Alarm Plugins was previously default set without trailing slash "/". There must be a trailing slash and an administrator performing an installation should always change default values with localhost to the proper URL with HTTPS and machine/DNS name. All 4 default alarm plugins now return a trailing / even if the admin did not provide one (#3075)
Known Limitations and Workarounds
Fixed Issues (Bugs)
- Deleted search fields are no longer displayed in Log Views (#3097)
- Description for Display fields (columns) managing Monitor Views now has data (#3601)
- Notification area and information about a user failed for some AD group configurations (#3713)
- Number of Errors this week widget in Log Audits count was incorrect (#3712)
- Search field wizard could remove other expressions for existing search field (#3711) - Critical bug that was already published with previous minor releases
- Fix for Alarm plugins utilizing logic for "ngShow" (#3386)
- Days until split was incorrect for databases with an end date (#2541)
- Metrics also required Actions access right. (#3807)
- The name of the Monitoring Agent was also presented in the Applications column when managing resources for Monitor Views (#3853)
Upgrade Requirements
- As always, make sure to perform the update using the latest version of the Nodinite update tool.
NOTE: Package manager has moved to the Instances menu!
If this release does not meet your standards or requirements; Please send bugs, feature requests, and input for improvements to our development team (
Make sure to download the latest version from the Nodinite Customer Portal